pressure gauge

Water Pressure


When your having problems with water pressure call us.

Do you want to know the water pressure in your street? Are you having a new shower, boiler or other appliance fitted?

Please contact us if you would like to know the pressure in the water mains feeding your property. 

The pressure will depend on your location and may vary at different times of day. Water pressure can be affected by many factors, such as:

  • the difference in height between your property and the reservoir that feeds you

  • the distance from the reservoir to your property

  • the length and diameter of the pipes in the supply network

  • whether the water is pumped and if so, when and at what pressure

  • whether your area has any pressure control in place

  • the demand for water in the supply area

There may also be a difference between the pressure in our mains in the road outside your home and the pressure inside your home. This could be due to:

  • the ground level of our water main compared to your property

  • the number of floors in the property and, if you are plumbing in an appliance, the floor on which it is located

  • the length of your underground supply pipe  (this usually runs from the boundary stopcock in the road to the first internal stopcock inside the property), the diameter of the supply pipe and its condition as leaks can reduce pressure

  • whether you are on a shared supply pipe with an adjoining property – flats are often fed by one shared supply pipe

  • the size of the pipework within the property

  • the amount of water being used in the property at any one time